Unfortunately, our world is becoming increasingly toxic. Toxic chemicals, waste, and microplastics continue to accumulate in our environment and are even present in everyday items like clothing, cosmetics, and packaging. We even consume microplastics through our food—when animals, like fish, birds, or mammals, eat microplastics, we end up ingesting them. Even if you’re a vegetarian, microplastics can be ingested from the air and water or even absorbed into our skin. These toxins have serious side effects, with research showing that they can lead to the development of neurodegenerative diseases, inflammation, and psychiatric disorders.
All these toxins put additional stress on our organs, especially critical organs like our colon, kidneys, and liver, which naturally detoxify the body. While we can’t control everything about our environment, we can facilitate healthy habits that support detoxification. Sweating is one way our body eliminates and removes toxins. Today’s article shares how you can facilitate detoxification through sweating, such as exercise, hot baths, saunas, and diaphoretic herbs (which make you sweat).
Sauna bathing has been used for thousands of years in many areas of the world for health, social, spiritual, and hygiene purposes. However, saunas have become increasingly popular in the last decade due to their many purported health benefits. Some of the claims around sauna use include detoxification, increased metabolism and blood circulation, weight loss, pain reduction, improved sleep, stress management, and relaxation.
Some studies suggest that regular sauna bathing has cardiovascular benefits, such as lowering blood pressure in patients with hypertension and improving the heart’s ability to pump blood in those with chronic congestive heart failure. More research is needed, but the research is promising, and sauna bathing is generally safe for most healthy adults.
I’ve personally used an at-home infrared sauna, which makes keeping up with sauna use a breeze! It’s compact, and I sit down in it, zip it up, and leave my head sticking out while I enjoy a deep sweat session.
Sauna use is generally a safe way for healthy adults to detox, but always speak with a medical professional before changing up your routine (you’ll also want to avoid alcohol consumption during or before sauna bathing as this can increase the risk of health complications).
Remember to replenish your body after a sauna session or an intense workout! Our Nature’s Electrolytes Mix replenishes critical electrolytes and has a delightful pineapple coconut flavor.
Diaphoretic Herbs To Help You Sweat
Linden has traditionally been used to cool fevers by encouraging sweating. Whether you’re looking to break a fever, support reduced stress, or increase sweating for detox purposes, consider Linden.
Research assessing Linden’s diaphoretic effects found that it caused sweating and “subjective relief” in a control group that inhaled vapor from water prepared with sachets of Linden. Another study even found that Linden has sedative effects that mimic GABA in the brain, promoting overall relaxation. This effect may benefit those struggling with stress, anxiety, or insomnia.
Try our Linden Blossom Tea, Peace & Quiet Tea or Colon Cleanser Capsules for easy ways to add Linden to your diet. The capsules are ideal for those looking to cleanse the small and large intestines.
If you’ve ever eaten food seasoned with cayenne, you may have broken into a sweat or at least felt your sinuses clearing up. That’s because cayenne is another excellent option for detox.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, cayenne peppers have several primary health benefits, such as protecting against inflammation, supporting healthy blood vessels and lower blood pressure, improving digestion, and easing pain. They’re also rich in flavonoids and vitamins, which can protect your cells against harmful environmental substances that cause heart disease and some types of cancer.
Cayenne is traditionally used in detox diets because it stimulates circulation, increasing sweating and toxin elimination.
The best part is that cayenne is easy to your food with Cayenne Pepper Seasoning. If you don’t enjoy spicy foods, consider our Cayenne Capsules to promote healthy digestion, detox, and cardiovascular function.
Ginger is popular as an anti-inflammatory aid and for supporting better digestion. However, it’s also a diaphoretic herb that encourages perspiration and eliminates toxins through sweating.
According to Harvard Health Publishing, ginger has many health benefits, including being a generally safe treatment for nausea and vomiting, relieving bloating and intestinal gas, reducing pain, and decreasing inflammation. It may even have a protective effect on the heart and blood vessels.
Some people enjoy adding fresh ginger to their water and mixing it with lemon juice for a simple detox drink, but you can also take Ginger Capsules, add ginger to your food, or drink Ginger Root Tea for a supportive addition to your diet. Ginger is rich in antioxidants, which may combat free radicals and other toxins in the environment!
Other Ways To Increase Sweat and Detox in Your Day-To-Day Life
Many of us don’t have regular access to a sauna, but there are many ways to support your body’s detoxification.
Here are a few of the best ways to encourage detoxification in the body:
Hot baths (especially with Epsom salts for detoxification and recovery)
Exercise—even a brisk walk can help you break a sweat!
Drink more water
Stay active throughout the day (even getting up to stretch or pace around the house)
Consume more probiotics
Limit alcohol (alcohol is hard on the liver and limits its ability to function properly)
Focus on quality sleep to support your overall health
Reduce the amount of sugary and processed foods you eat
Add fresh cilantro and chlorella into your diet (studies have shown that these foods can detox some heavy metals and toxic chemicals)
We hope this article inspires you to support your body’s natural detoxification process. While we can’t completely control our environment, we can encourage our health and natural detoxification by supporting ourselves with healthy habits and herbal remedies.
Happy Sweating,
Herbalist Natalie & Herbalist Leilah